April 2019
16.04.2019 Baden-Baden: Margret Mergen, mayor of the city Baden-Baden visited Cambaum during her visit programme. The combined office and production building was certainly one of the most innovative and attractive office and production buildings in Baden-Baden’s business park Oos-West.

Together with Markus Boersig from the Industrial Development Department and Martin Lautenschlager from the Business Development Department, Horst Spitzmesser, Factory Manager of Cambaum Germany, guided the visitors through the company’s premises where they have moved in in 2016.

Currently 16 highly qualified employees are working in the building of modern and dynamic architecture with a lot of transparent glass façades. The building was designed for up to 80 to 90 employees, which means “the company wants to grow”.

The core expertise of Cambaum is the design, development and manufacturing of systems in the field of automatic doors, physical access solutions and fare management systems. In concrete terms, this is about platform doors, automated ticket systems, ticket-printers and access control systems with biometric identification technology. The products can be found at railway stations, at border control points as well as in commercial and industrial buildings, mainly in China and in the Asian region.
German know-how and qualitative awareness are main reasons for the operation of a development and production site in the Oos-West commercial park. Other subsidiaries and offices are located in china in Beijing, Changzhou and Hong Kong.